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鞍钢低碳冲压钢板 好用

2014/9/22 17:15:54      点击:
Bush said in a statement, taken last year imported steel tariff protection measures have achieved the objectives. This includes the Anshan Iron and steel of low carbon steel plate stamping. In addition, in view of America economic situation has changed, so at present is to cancel this measure time. This includes the Anshan Iron and steel of low carbon steel plate stamping. We American President Bush 4 noon announced the cancellation of steel tariffs, but also said it would continue to implement a monitoring program, in order to avoid steel imports increased. I
Bush also announced that it would continue to implement the supervision plan, this plan will be through the import permit and anti-dumping measures to prevent steel imports surge. The media here that USA, this surveillance program will be strengthened, America probably tougher anti-dumping measures.
According to "the Wall Street journal" reported that, Bush cancel steel tariffs in order to avoid a trade war. Also includes the Anshan Iron and steel of low carbon steel plate stamping.
Bush government decided last March to greatly improve the import tariffs on imported steel, some steel levy of 8% to 30% of the tax, for a period of 3 years, in order to protect the interests of American iron and steel industry. This move is strongly opposed by the major USA trading partners including the EU. The European Union, Japan and Chinese to WTO filed a lawsuit, WTO ruled USA losing.